WHEN we TALK ABOUT any DIET, one SIMPLE TRUTH we all know is- WE EAT to LIVE and WHAT we EAT, MAKES a LOT of DIFFERENCE. The good FOODS SUPPORTS our HEALTH, FUNCTION, and LONGEVITY. Right FROM the ANCIENT TIMES, natural HUMAN DIET is BASED on STARCHES. STARCHES WERE a critical FOOD SOURCE for the ANCESTORS of early and MODERN HUMANS. The MORE RICE, CORN, POTATOES, SWEET POTATOES, and BEANS you EAT, the TRIMMER and HEALTHIER YOU will be—and WITH those SAME FOOD choices YOU will help SAVE the PLANET EARTH too.
STARCHES are VERY LOW in FAT (1% to 8% of their calories), contain NO CHOLESTEROL, & its HEALTH BENEFITS are TRULY IMPRESSIVE as well. STUDIES show STARCH SOLUTION DIET improves BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL, BOOSTS IMMUNITY, and may even REDUCE your CANCER RISK. While EASILY PROVIDING the ABUNDANCE of CALORIES NEEDED for WINNING MARATHONS, STARCHES DO NOT PROMOTE EXCESS WEIGHT GAIN. That is BECAUSE the Human BODY efficiently REGULATES CARBOHYDRATES from STARCHES, BURNING them off, RATHER than STORING them, when CONSUMED in EXCESS.
This eBook STARCH SOLUTION DIET FOR BEGINNERS is a SIMPLE SWITCH: rather THAN getting CALORIES from FAT and PROTEIN, FUEL your body with CARBOHYDRATES. All YOU have to DO is CHANGE the COMPOSITION of the FOODS on your PLATE and EAT. INSTEAD OF STARVATION, this CHANGE means fuller APPETITE SATISFACTION and RADIANT HEALTH. With this Cookbook STARCH SOLUTION DIET FOR BEGINNERS you can ENJOY a VARIETY of FOODS and SNACKS with FILLING and NON-FATTENING whole food PLANT BASED RECIPES.