时光飞逝,转眼在美国已经度过了7年的岁月,在这7年的赴美留学生活中,有过欢笑,有过泪水,有过困难,有过彷徨。很感谢我亲爱的家人和在美国帮助过我的老师、同学,没有你们,就没有我今天的成长。感谢缘分,让我们相遇,也很感谢将翻开这本书的朋友们,希望你们可以从我的书中受益。我相信一切都是最好的安排,生活中并不存在所谓的巧合。(Time flies! I have stayed in the United States for seven years. In my overseas study in this period, I had laughter, tears, difficulties and also hesitation. I am grateful to my dear family and my teachers and schoolmates who helped me in the United States. Without you, there will be no growth for me today. Thanks to fate, we met. And I am also very grateful to the friends who will open this book. I hope you can gain something from my book. I believe it is the best arrangement for everything, and there are no so-called coincidences in life.)
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