《了不起的盖茨比(中英双语本)》讲述20世纪20年代的美国,空气里充斥着纸醉金迷的气息。盖茨比在年轻时因为贫寒而失去了梦中的女神戴西,但在他心中,始终高悬着那一盏明亮的绿灯。后来贩酒发家后,他也天真地以为:有了金钱就能重温旧梦,赎回失去的爱情。可惜,他看错了表面上灯红酒绿而精神上空虚无聊的社会,而他心目中美好的戴西其实不过是轻佻浮华的物质女郎。他为了追求戴西耗尽了自己的感情和才智,最后被残酷无情的现实粉碎了理想,而葬送掉了自己的生命。盖茨比是了不起的,他用生命谱写了一曲"爵士年代"的哀伤恋歌,却只有叙述者尼克一个人得已倾听。盖茨比的悲剧是"美国梦"破灭的典型代表,被誉为最出色的当代美国小说之一。(The Great Gatsby (Bilingual) tells that On 1920s in the United States, the air filled with the smell of money. When Gatsby was at a young age because of the poor and lost the dream of the goddess Daisy, but in his heart, always hangs with a bright green light. Then he made the wine fortune and he also naively thought: with money he can resume the lost love. Unfortunately, he was wrong on the society that on the surface, it was meaningful but in fact, it was very boring. And his beautiful Daisy in fact is a frivolous flashy material girl. His pursuit of Daisy exhausted his feelings and intelligence and finally shattered by relentless reality, and ruined his lives. Gatsby is great and he composed the song "Jazz Age" with his life, but only one person, the narrator Nick can listen to him. Gatsby's tragedy is the typical representative of the American dream, which is regarded as one of the most outstanding contemporary American novels.)
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