This is a book about the dream that God places within each believer to fulfill His mission in our lives. However, sometimes God interrupts our dream because he knows we need to grow, learn, and mature. During those times, we can focus on God's glory and our humility.
Sion opens his own life to reflect on these themes. Through his years of ministry service, God has taught him about these lessons. God gives His most precious gifts; however, then He leads us to an altar and asks us to lay down everything, including His own fulfillment of the promises He gave to us. Does this sound crazy? It seems counterintuitive, as if it doesn't make sense.
When God is the hero of the story, it never ends in death. In fact, it is quite the opposite. God's stories always end in resurrection and life. Just as the cross wasn't the end for our Savior, the death of your dream isn't the end for you. The death of your dream opens the doorway to something better, more real, and more life-giving.