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For Sarah Hepola, drinking felt like freedom; part of her birthright as a twenty-first-century woman. But there was a price–she often blacked out, having no memory of the lost hours. On the outside, her career was flourishing, but inside, her spirit was diminishing. She could no longer avoid the truth–she needed help.
Blackout is the story of a woman stumbling into a new kind of adventure–sobriety. Sarah Hepola's tale will resonate with anyone who has had to face the reality of addiction and the struggle to put down the bottle. At first it seemed like a sacrifice–but in the end, it was all worth it to get her life back.
Kindle Book
- ISBN: 9781455554560
- Release date: June 23, 2015
OverDrive Read
- ISBN: 9781455554577
- File size: 1352 KB
- Release date: June 23, 2015
EPUB ebook
- ISBN: 9781455554577
- File size: 1157 KB
- Release date: June 23, 2015
Kindle Book
OverDrive Read
EPUB ebook
For Sarah Hepola, drinking felt like freedom; part of her birthright as a twenty-first-century woman. But there was a price–she often blacked out, having no memory of the lost hours. On the outside, her career was flourishing, but inside, her spirit was diminishing. She could no longer avoid the truth–she needed help.
Blackout is the story of a woman stumbling into a new kind of adventure–sobriety. Sarah Hepola's tale will resonate with anyone who has had to face the reality of addiction and the struggle to put down the bottle. At first it seemed like a sacrifice–but in the end, it was all worth it to get her life back.
Grand Central Publishing
Awards:Kindle Book
ISBN: 9781455554560
Release date: June 23, 2015
OverDrive Read
ISBN: 9781455554577
File size: 1352 KB
Release date: June 23, 2015
EPUB ebook
ISBN: 9781455554577
File size: 1157 KB
Release date: June 23, 2015
- Sarah Hepola - Author
Kindle Book
OverDrive Read
EPUB ebook
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