From the moment those grey eyes the color of the water just before sunrise met mine, I'd acted without thought to the consequences to protect her. I had been her vengeance on any and all who would cause her pain without her even realizing it. If only it had stayed that way. The things I'd done because the demons inside me couldn't stand the thought of her being wronged even the slightest were meant to be kept secret. She was too pure for the evil I was capable of unleashing.
Our story began with my immediate infatuation. Lies, deception, obsession, and undying devotion made it as complex as a Shakespearean tale. Unlike the characters in William's story, not even death could have kept me from her.
And it would end with her by my side, in my bed, no matter what lengths I had to go to in order to keep her. My reason for being had begun rotating around my little doll long before I even realized the power she held over me.